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Sarah's Friends

Web Chat/Text Options Now Available

In order to provide additional means of communication methods for survivors seeking assistance, Sarah's Friends now has added a web chat and text feature!

Survivors can now select to chat with an available advocate via our website as an additional avenue to reach out for assistance. Prior to this new service, clients unable to call or physically visit the office would submit a contact form through the website and be forced to wait for a response that would normally be returned through email: a method that is not always the safest or most convenient for survivors. Whether they are using their computer, tablet, or mobile device's browser, all messages will be end-to-end encrypted with a key only Sarah's Friends' controls. This form of encryption provides an added layer of protection and confidentiality for survivors as they access services through messaging.

Text messaging is more popular than ever and is sometimes the only form of safe communication a survivor has. The new added text feature ensures Sarah's Friends is able to reach more survivors seeking assistance. Individuals can now reach out to the number above and communicate with an advocate no matter what kind of cell phone they have. All text messages are then delivered to Sarah's Friends through our chat portal making it easy for staff to respond.

At this time, both web chat and text features will only be available during the office hours of Monday-Friday, 8:30-4:30pm. In the future, Sarah's Friends will be looking for ways to expand this new service to become available 24/7 as funding and personnel becomes available to support it.

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